So it’s been awhile since I’ve been back here. I haven’t been blogging long so it might take me a while to get the hang of this. It’s now 2:03AM at the time of writing this sentence and I’ve just decided to stop work for the night (morning). It’s been a long busy day, the past months have been long busy days.


I’m not complaining, being busy is a good thing right? I have actually had to start using Google Keep to keep track of tasks I need to do, aside from working with the team over at ThemeIsle— I also actively have to work with other clients I do business with.


In St. Lucia I believe CEOs heavily overlook the necessity of websites for their business. I sort of don’t blame them, we are a 3rd world country and many people to do not know the true power of the internet. It is my job and other Internet Entrepreneurs here to help elevate our people. I’ve been thinking of ways to speed up the process such as visiting schools and having conversations with IT students, I’m not sure when I will actually implement this but I will eventually.


I recently had a meeting with a friend who agreed to partner with me on a project which could change the very fabric of how people do business here. I believe wholeheartedly that this business idea could start a domino effect on the caribbean. The thing is it heavily depends on how my people react to it, I’m confident that my partner has the physical marketing skills and talent to be a key piece in this project. I’m looking to implement this sometime early 2017 but I might pull up the date based on how the coming months turn out.


Something big is coming to St. Lucia!


Sometime ago I built a website for one of my first St. Lucian clients since becoming self employed (November 2015). I like all clients no matter where in the world they are from but helping my island with anything to do with the internet excites me more than a country where the internet is already widely used. I can’t reveal all the details of this project as yet but I’m done with it and up until now we have been waiting for the “political dust” to settle before launching the website (elections took place in June). The launching event will take place at The Landings on the 27th of September, so I’m interested in the individuals who will be attending. Better get my blazer ready.


This project too—will elevate my island, it has the potential to aid tens of thousands of people and I have no doubt that it will since it already has a facebook page with almost 20k likes.


So hey, my birthday is coming up and I have no idea what I will do on that day (September 18th). For as long as I could remember I’ve never been much of a birthday person, I don’t host huge parties or post none stop about how my birthday is coming up on Facebook. It’s also on a Sunday so that just makes it harder (lol) or does it? Who knows.


I have some other stuff coming up next week (if God spare life) but i’ll wait until then to post about it.


I’m pretty excited.


Oh, did you see that cool click to tweet box up there? I built it.

Taken at the Soufriere Waterfront


Till next time.

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