I decided to work on a paid version of WooCommerce Downloadable Product Update Emails (WCDPUE), the Pro version of the plugin offers a few key additional functionalities not present in the Lite version such as HTML emails. During my time working with WordPress plugins which do anything related to sending emails; HTML email support seems to always be on the Pro list, so I used this scheme also.


WCDPUE now follows the Freemium Model which basically means it has a free version which offers all the basic needs and a Pro version if the user wants to go a bit further. Below is the comparison table between the two:



FeatureWCDPUE LiteWCDPUE ProDescription
Unique Download Access CountShows the total number of unique download access permission for the product being updated.
Schedule Update EmailSchedule email sending to customers.
HTML Email SupportSend custom HTML emails.
Email Templates
Premade HTML templates
Email Variables (Magic tags)Substitute magic tags (example: {first_name}) for real customer data.

Available magic tags: {account_url}, {account_url_trim}, {product_name}, {product_url}, {product_url_trim}, {first_name}, {last_name}

Magic tags with "trim" in them do not add "http://" to the output, these are meant for adding magic tags to elements such as buttons where it would already have a link tag.
Variable Downloadable Product Support
Supports variable downloadable products.
Product Update Confirmation
Plugin will show the amount of emails actually sent out from WordPress if the Immediate sending option is used, it will also show how many emails were scheduled to be sent if the schedule option was selected.


The plugin is listed on CodeCanyon and could be viewed by clicking the button in the table or clicking here.

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