Hey. How are you? It’s 10:17pm here in St. Lucia as I’m writing this sentence. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog since I redid my personal website to share various things I feel like sharing.


So who am I?


Well, I’m an Internet Entrepreneur out of the caribbean trying to make the best life possible for himself without forgetting his roots. “What is an Internet Entrepreneur?”, you may have asked. In my books it’s like a regular entrepreneur: someone who takes risks in the pursuit of bettering their life and that of their family through business ventures, but primarily through the World Wide Web.


There are lots of us out there, from full time bloggers to WordPress Plugin and Theme Developers, Graphic Designers, SEO specialists, Social Media Marketers and — this post isn’t about that. I’m just a St. Lucian. I love this place which I grew up in — but I don’t want to spend my entire life without leaving there. The world is vast; I want to experience other islands in the Caribbean and visit other countries, taste other types of food and hear other languages, but at times I feel like I’m running out of time…or am I?


I’m 21 and will be 22 on the 18th of September, Is that young? Have I accomplished enough for my age? Too little? More than average? Should I even be thinking in that way? Shouldn’t I be enjoying life while in my 20s to the fullest? Why do I think about my future so very much? You wouldn’t be able to answer some of those questions, afterall, you don’t know me.


Lately I’ve been thinking about kids a lot, I love them. I’m the last child out of 9 siblings, I’m not sure if that plays a role in me wanting at least 4 kids but I want as many as my future wife and I could afford, both financially and in attention — I’m single though.


I remember laying my head down on my Dad’s stomach while he spoke Spanish to me, I was such a youngling but that memory will always stay with me. I loved my Dad as anyone would love theirs, but I didn’t grow up saying “I love you Dad” though I did very much, I think these things are solely because of how you were raised. I showed my love through respect and doing stuff to make him proud. I remember working on fixing electric tools while growing up just so he could see me. I had and have never cried so much like the day I saw him on the stretcher; I did not know such pain was capable without one being injured, before then I only thought I knew pain, I only thought I knew weeping. Just typing these words at this very moment and the tears are dripping down my face, it’s been 3 years and 2 days and I’m still not over it — I still don’t want to believe it.


Well this post has taken a turn, my very first post on this blog and I got emotional, I will still click publish. I want to come back to these posts later down in life and read them to myself. Just like I read my old poetry at times. I will be sharing some of those on this blog also as time goes by.


I’ll surely raise my kids (if the Lord blesses me with) in such a way so that they could say “I love you Daddy” as easy as pie, and I’ll speak French Creole to them while they lay on my Stomach, and I’ll be sure to love my wife as much as my Dad did my mom.


dad and mom

Dad and Mom


Till next time.

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