Uriahs Victor

Web Developer – St. Lucia

Oh, I understand

At this point I don’t think it would be possible to keep up the monthly blog posts, I guess I’ll just write one when I see fit. Since my last post, I’ve attended WordCamp Europe held in Paris this year, became a recognized WordPress Meetup Organizer for Saint Lucia and many more things…milestones passed, stuff learnt, […]

I’m Cool, Just Been Busy

Mmhm, “busy”, not a word I like using. Every so often I’d try to talk to someone about a specific topic or ask for some information and be hit back with the saying “I’ve been so busy” or something like that. The response has always bothered me. Especially when I get it from someone I know […]

So, How are You?

Phew, it’s the last day of the month and I almost didn’t get around to writing this post. I have decided to write at least one blog post a month on here. This month was a pretty busy one, I don’t think this might change anytime soon.   A goal I set for myself this […]


So it’s now the second month in the year; January really felt long in my opinion! Maybe it’s because of all the shit which went down *cough* Trump *cough*…fuck it…yeah most likely it’s because of that and all other shit which went down around the world. Leave me in little old St. Lucia.   You […]

Lost for words — ironic cause I’m a poet

Figured I should write something to start off 2017. 2016 has been an Ok year, a lot happened, I can’t really recall everything, but a lot of good, some bad. It’s a brand spanking new year; but does it really matter? I have found myself looking at a calendar less these days. Not sure if good […]

Let Me Think About It

Hey, long time since I wrote my last blog post, 20 days to be exact. A lot has happened within the last 20 days. I visited the US for the first time to attend, and be a volunteer at the annual WordCamp US which this year was held in Philadelphia. Though the event took place […]

Tough Decision

2AM at the time of writing this sentence. The past few weeks have been pretty normal; constantly working to better myself at my craft. A few things have been accomplished which I’m excited about, one of them is that I “completed” the PRO version of WCDPUE and began the process of submitting it to CodeCanyon. This was […]

I’m satisfactory, thanks for asking.

Recently I decided to go back to Soufriere for a while ( my hometown ). Though I rent an apartment in the city, I still go back often. I do this very randomly, I would be at home in the city then suddenly decide to go down to Soufriere the next day and vice versa. I […]

Just here — hoping this storm soon dissipates, wbu?

So it’s 11:52 PM at the time of writing this sentence while tropical storm Matthew is doing it’s thing. A few years ago my life changed because of a similar storm which turned to a hurricane overnight. It was called Hurricane Tomas— you could read more about how this changed my life on this article I […]